About a month went by since Deadskully and Medelys had their falling out. Medelys was not the same person that she was when she did have Deadskully in her life. She was very short with everyone including her sister Christene. Which led to Christene not keeping in contact much with her either. She then took that frustration out on her boyfriend Serogate until he also couldn't take it anymore and left her. She was slowly driving everyone away that mattered to her, all because of her temper and her stubbornness.

Medelys has been spending a lot of time in Dalaran since everything happened, mainly because no one really goes there so the chances of her running into anyone she didn't care to see where very slim. She still does the Dalaran Jewelcrafting daily from Grand Master Jewelcrafting trainer, Timothy Jones in "Cartier & Co. Fine Jewelry" shop. As she completed the daily she stopped and talked with Tiffany Cartier, owner and operator of the wonderful establishment. She explained what had happened between her and her best friend and Tiffany called Harold Winston out. Harold was Tiffany's Best Jewelry Vendor. "He can sell a giant snow cone to Ragnaros" she tells Medelys, and they both laugh.

Harold asks Medelys about the person she is buying the gift for. When Medelys tells him it's for her best friend who is a girl he is rather stumped. He's use to selling to Males that are trying to woo their lady friends. He has sold to Women before but they are the ones that know what they want and just point and he brings the jewelry out of the case. Meh, first time for everything right.

Another perk that helps people make their decision is that Harold's jewelry helps enhance skills. But his jewelry are a tad bit outdated and therefore no one really buys from him anymore. With Deadskully not needing any of these to boost her skills and stats Harold just told Medelys to pick out something that says "Deadskully". Medelys chose the
Frozen Tear of Elune. Harold took it out of the glass case and gave it to Tiffany to box it up. Medelys paid, thanked them and left.

She sat atop of the archway leading to the Horde Quarter and ran every scenario through her head. Letters, reactions, conversations, apologies, rejections... the list started to get longer and more negative thoughts poured out. She started to cry thinking about how alone she was and how her life was just as empty as Dalaran. Once flourished with happy people, now a ghost town. Most people don't even give this place a second thought, They forget it's even here floating above Crystalsong Forest.
She wiped away her tears and decided to call it a day. She was too beat to go back to Orgrimmar and try to find Deadskully. Tomorrow will be the day she'll make amends with her friends... Hopefully.