Yesterday I saw the coolest thing I've ever seen.

I stopped off in the Valley of Wisdom because I needed to check my Guild's Bank for some embersilk cloth. On the auction house those things are still a bit more then I'm willing so shell out. Anywhos, getting back to my awesome story. So as I was making my way to he guild bank, out of the corner of my eye I saw some fire on the ground. I shrugged it off thinking it was someone's cooking fire, until the thing started to move.

Whaaaaaaat?! I had to rub my eyes several times, I couldn't believe what I saw. I stood back and watched where this flame was headed... omg, it was headed right for people! I quickly brought out Muckbreath, my baby Alligator and had him try to spit water on the fire to put it out before it burnt anyone or anything. Too late, it headed straight for a Bloodelf on a Wind Rider. Muchbreath ran as fast at his tiny feet could carry him, but that was still too slow. Maybe I should have carried him and held him like a gun and aimed so he could spit.

Thankfully the Bloodelf took off before she or her mount were burnt. I think the flame knew what I was doing because it came straight for me. I turned and started to run, I screamed at Muckbreath to run away. I couldn't run faster then the flame and it caught up with me. I know I'm undead but I still burn easy. Although I thought I was a goner, I still started to jump up and down. Shortly after that I noticed I wasn't catching on fire or even in pain. Was I dead already? I don't see a spirit healer so I think I'm fine. I heard a whistle and the flame moved away from me and started to go towards a Tauren Hunter. It sat still next to her so I now knew where it came from. She stood there and laughed. I was upset at first but then saw the humor in it. I mean no one got hurt and you can't help but to laugh.

I walked up to the Hunter and asked her name. "Mushafeu, nice to meet you and this is Sorangar my flame pet." the hunter replied. I introduced myself as well. I had so much questions for her. How did she get it? Where did she get it? Why doesn't it burn anyone? The longer we stood there talking the more people came up to her and asked about her very rare pet or scoffed at her for having the thing chase them around. "Follow me" she said, so we mounted up and flew to a ledge above the Valley of Wisdom. It was just crazy down there. So we sat and talked and she explained how she snagged it.
"There is a quest in the Overgrowth that requires you to toss some soothing seeds on some mutated Raptors or Plainstriders, and you have to observe the results. Either they become docile or they blow up. I've never seen it done before, but heard it was a possibility that just as they blow up and before the flame dissipates, you can tame it. I saw a Warrior running around the area and asked her if she had helped Myouh with the quest yet, and if not if she could help me with what I wanted to do. She didn't help her yet and was happy to help me out. It was all about timing, and I had to start taming the beast before she tossed the seeds on them. It took several tries, but we finally did it. And Sorangar is the result." That is so crazy!
Our chat had to be cut short, her Guild had a raid. I thanked her for taking the time to show me her flame and share with me how she got it. She was such a sweetheart. I would love to say other people would do the same and stop and chat, but in this day and age in Azeroth you find more arrogance then humility.