Mishel comes out from the broken wagon she was waiting in. "Christene this is Mishel, she has just learned today that people around Pandaria think she is your sister. " the girls shake hands and look each other over. "Oh Farmer Yoon, that is so sweet, but I know Med and I are the only children our parents ever had. After we were born, they split... Who are your parents?" Christene asks Mishel.
"Well my mother was never married, and she never really told me who my father was, just that he was of great importance and he never knew about me and that's how it should stay. After the day she told me that, I left it alone never to speak of him to her again"
All of a sudden Christene gets hit in the back of the head by something soft. She turns around ready to send a Frostbolt their way. Medely's laughs and Christene decided to still get back at her with a less devastating Ice Lance to the chest. Medelys' plate armor blocks most of the impact but still winded her a little. "Ugh geez sis, it was only bread!" says Medelys adjusting her gear. "Yeah, yeah hush, we need to talk" Christene tells Med pulling her off to the side. After she explains the situation, they both walk over to Mishel. Medelys walks around Mishel a couple of times looking her up and down, not saying a word, until she stops in front of her. Mishel is a few inches taller then the 2 girls and her features are a little more slender. Maybe from all her agility she needs to be a hunter. Anywhos, Medelys went straight to the point.
"Who's your birth mother?"
"She's an armor merchant in Silvermoon, her name is Tynna" Mishel replies.

"I don't know, my mother never told me and I wanted to respect her wishes and not find out who he really is. He's supposed to be an important and powerful man. It always did peak my curiosity, but I figured it was for the best I not know" you could tell the slight sadness on Mishel's face as she finished that sentence. And then she asked Medelys and Christene the same questions.
Christene sits down in the grass and answers her question. "Our parents were never married, and when they split, they decided to do the same with us as well. Our mother took me and our father took Medelys. Our mother is a certified Mage Trainer and she raised me and taught me how to be mage. Her name is Zaedana and she stays in Silvermoon with the other mage and portal trainers.

Mishel asks the question that was on her mind from when Christene got upset about their father, "So who IS your father?, it's obviously eerie that we do look like sisters, my mom refused to reveal who my father is because of his importance, and now you telling me that he couldn't raise you because he is a busy man. That sounds like the common link between us."
"That's going to be up to Medelys if she wants to tell you, but if you really want to know and want to be sure, you will have to go back to your mother and ask her. bring the name to her and say that you know about him, and see what she says and watch her reaction." says Christene.
"Lord Lor'themar Theron is our father" Medelys says.
"Holy Clefthoof balls, are you serious? Lor'themar, the leader of
Blood Elves Theron, the same dude? no ways, you're so full of elekk poop!" Mishel says with utter disbelief.
Medelys snaps back quick "Look, we could care less if you go back to your mom and ask her to finally tell you the truth about your father. Either way, if you want to get snippy and call me a liar, this will be the last time we see each other, and I don't want to see you around my dad, trying to weasel your way into his life just because of the person he is. And that you're a poor Huntard, that's just looking to get something from him."
Christene quickly gets up off the ground and rushes towards Medelys to pull her back..
"Excuse me!, for your information, I'm not poor and I have a father, someone who took care of me when my own mother decided that her job, was more important then her daughter. Im not looking to replace my father with someone who decides to just abandon his daughter with his brother and not take fatherly responsibilities. And call me a Huntard one more and that would be the last words you ever say" Mishel says as she calls RubyJade to her side.
Chris cuts the two off. "Quit it you two!!, no one was accusing the other of anything, Med, she was just trying to process the who thing. You know as well as I do that throwing dad's name around like that needs some getting used to. And now apologize for the 'poor Huntard' comment that was way outta line".
"Fine, I'm sorry for calling you a huntard". Medelys says reluctantly
"It's ok, Im sorry I threatened to sic RubyJade on you. Anyways, why don't we call it a day, and I'll go back to my mother and poke around more."
Christene chimes in, "Good idea! I can put a portal up to Silvermoon for you, just send me a note if you ever want to meet up again and chat more".
Mishel thanks Christene and into the portal she went.
(to be continued)