The little guys are still alive!?!?! this is pretty sad. Did I have to kill them first?... I can't do this I thought, but I knew I had to... Ugh!, I put the frog back in the bag and poured the flour in there and shook up the bag. I can hear them chirping or whatever frogs do. croaking? Whatever this is cruel, why am I concerned about these little frogs? I've done stuff like this many times before without a care in the world. Alright let me get to Stamp and get this over with.

I took out a frog, swung my hand back and was getting ready to toss it in the pot. It wiggled in my hand and I looked back at it and it looked back up at me with it's sad breaded frog eyes and I swear it asked me to free him and the other 4 of his frog family trapped in the bag.
I stopped, looked at Stamp, mouthed the words "I'm sorry, I can't", put the frog back in the bag and turned around to run. "Deadskully! please they are just frogs they won't feel a thing once they hit the boiling soup in my pot, I swear!" yelled Stamp.

I looked up to see Hellgurl standing there and then I blacked out.
"Ow geez Skully, walk much?... Oh nice, you're helping Stamp with lunch. I'll help"
Hellgurl bent down, grabbed the bag that fell out of my hand, opened it, jumped on the booth counter, reached in the bag and grabbed out a frog. *toss* *plop* She did that until all 5 of them were floating in that pot.
I guess Hellgurl picked me up and put me on a cot by the Faire's first aid trainers and sat with me until I came to. "Oh hey, sorry I didn't mean to knock you out. but in all fairness you ran into me."
says Hellgurl defensively.
"Why are Orcs build like Demos? Feels like one ran over me... Wait, where's the frogs?" I say looking around.
"Oh don't worry, I completed the task. and here is your payment.... and here is your lunch" says Hellgurl handing me 10 gold, a darkmoon ticket aaaaaaaand a bowl of breaded frog leg soup. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!"