Tynna never thought this day would come. "Yes" Tynna says with an ashamed look on her face.

"no no, nothing like that. he never knew I had you, I never told him, and I thought it was better that way. I met the man you called Dad for all 22 years of your life, at the Scryers Rise in Shattrath while I was pregnant with you and he wanted to take on the role as your father and be in our lives, and I allowed it. He is your father and you've made him so proud. Please don't bring it up to him that you know who your real father is. I don't know how he will react. But he will always love you the same." The man Mishel's mother spoke of was Commander Hobb. Before he was recruited to lead the Scryers in the fight against the Dragonmaw in Shadowmoon Valley, he and Mishel's mother met. Mishel never cared to ask how they met, and it was never a topic that came up... until now.

Mishel needed to find out for herself and see Lor'themar one more time before she left Silvermoon. She rode back up to Sunfury Spire and without saying anything to anyone, she just walked in. She saw that Lor'themar was busy talking to Ranger General Halduron Brightwing. She was standing there staring in awe when she caught Halduron's eye and he asked "Can we help you with something little missy?"

"Mishel" she whispers. "I didn't mean to disturb your meeting my Lord." "Nonsense, we were just talking about how dark the drapery is in here and that we needed to brighten up the place with some pinks, and bright blues". She looks up with a confused, surprised look in her eyes, Sees Lor'themar smile and realizes he was just making a joke, and they all laugh. "See my dear, no harm at all. We do not converse in public if it is only for private ears, all are welcome to approach and share their thoughts." "Understood my Lord, I better be on my way. It was an honor to meet you, Let's go Ruby."
Lor'themar watches her leave and Halduron comes up to him. "Sir, is it just me or does she remind you of your daughters?". "Indeed she does, Summon Christene and Medelys, I need to speak with them at once." "Right away Sir" (to be continued)