Remember Vdara?, Yeah that Alliance chick that I met a while back. Well, I decided to take a trip over to Stormwind and see if I could get close enough to see if she was there by chance (duh, I knew it was a long shot). Maybe I just needed a reason to be nosey and see what the Alliance were doing.
I reached the mountains just outside of Stormwind and in the distance above the city I could see blue drakes flying around. They were very faint, but I could still see them. Were they attacking the city? Protecting it? It looked very scary but of course that wouldn't stop me from gettin' a closer look.

As I got closer I had to remember not to fly too low as I might attract unwanted attention by the Alliance guards. OMG! an Amazing hologram of a big beautiful dragon was in the center of the flying drakes. Who is she and what does she want with the Alliance? So many questions popped into my head. Is this the end of the Alliance? or is this the end of the Horde? I wanted to cry either way. What's Azeroth without the Alliance? Should I hearth back to Org and warn everyone? I know I needed to do just that, but I couldn't leave. I needed to know what's going to happen here.