I was walking along some pillars up in the Forlorn Spire and I guess I got too close to one and my awesomeness disturbed some baby cinderweb spider egg sacks and the little turds came out and started to crawl all over me. They were biting but they were babies so it wasn't hard bites.

The hilarious part was watching Zhar'gak freak out. I had to jump up and down to shake them off and he had no clue what to do. He didn't want to try to swipe at them, but they were so tiny he though he would hit me. I had to tell him to calm down and just watch for the mother spider.
I was glad this nest wasn't guarded because I didn't realize that I didn't have my Fel Armor buffed, my necklace, rings or trinkets on. I had put them in my bag while I was playing in the moonwell because I didn't want them to fall off. Dang spiders!