I ran into Christene down in Uldum and she had told me she was officially creeped out by this weirdo Tauren Druid. She said she was flying around down there mining and herbing when she stopped at a peacebloom and wondered why it was in Uldum... They do NOT grow here!. Apparently she thought she had gotten hold of an extremely rare find. She bent down to pick it and up popped this Tauren.

"If I was any closer to him I would have slapped him so hard his horns would have went clear across the desert"
After almost scaring her to death he started to dance. She thinks it was because he was making fun of her. I say it was to impress her. haha. She said it was not impressive enough, she started to fall asleep.

My question is, if she wasn't impressed at all by his swagger, then why did she stay around?. I would have mounted up and hightailed it out of there. Leaving a creeper in the dust. But like I said... she was impressed.
"Well after I just stood there looking at him expressionless, he gave up. He put his head down turns around and gets out his Bronze drake. And OMG seriously, that thing was amazing. THAT got my attention. I mean it was HUGE. I've seen a Tauren's drake before, but never up close. I've seen you on your Drake before but, yours is so much smaller." And at that moment I instantly got sad and thought of my Bageezus.