Holy Cripes!... the funnest time I had down in Uldum. At the Cursed Landing there are a crap ton of Cursed Surveyors roaming around. My job to do there was more like a hella fun game. I had to jump in this flaming fireball and roll down the hill and mow down the cursed Gnome dudes. as you go over them, they get stuck in your ball until they either fall off or they burn up and disintegrate while still stuck. Then I go rolling into a metal robot and he gets stuck into my ball.
THIS IS AWESOME!!!!... Im invincible! Nothing can hurt me in this ball!!!

As I was making my last turn before I was going to make my way back up the hill I turned to far and went splashing into the water. My flameball got put out and I was left in the water. Luckily I killed all the gnomes and none was after me. That was FUN!!!! again!again!again!