I need to catch him! I really didn't feel like dying so I decided to try to see what Vdara was up to. I had a plan to sneak into Ironforge, and I knew I could get to the fishing spot undetected but as I'm there fishing, I need help from her to ask the Alliance that see me, not to kill me. Thank goodness she said she could come, so I told her to meet me there.
I Couldn't just walk through the front door. I had to go through the back, and by the "back" I mean by tram from Stormwind. I just have to keep my fingers crossed that Deeprun Tram is vacant at the time I happen to fly in. When I fly in, I can't stop or the Guards will spot me and come after me, and yes kill me. They do not detain, or torture, or give you a slap on the wrist and let you go on your merry way... they just flat out will kill you! Which is why I needed Vdara.
So I made it to Ironforge via the Tram, mounted up and just ran. Tinkertown was empty but I did catch the attention of one guard that was a little pudgy and after about 10 yards he gave up and I saw him walking back to his post.

Hall of Explorers was the next area I had to make it through. I wasn't about to slow down, the Cavern was just on the other side. I was able to make it across undetected but just to be on the safe side, I dismissed my horse, jumped in the water and stayed at the bottom for a good 10 minutes. While I was down there I decided to take off my clothes and put it in my bag. If I need to run, my clothes will weigh me down.
There was no ledge to stand on so I had to fish in the water. got about 10 casts in when I saw an Alliance stop, turn and came towards me. Crap! I cant take out my Scythe fast enough if I need to fight, and I'm gonna be fighting in my underwear, great! "Skully! it's me!" Holy shit!, I was so relieved.
"Alright, what do you need me to do?", "Just stand by me and talk to any Alliance that comes by wanting to kill me. Just tell them that I'm a friend that just wants to fish up Old Ironjaw. If they refuse
I will pay them to keep quiet."

About 80 casts in I feel a very strong tug on my line. I figured I just caught some rubbish again or a junk fish. but this one was not lettin' up. I fought with it for about 5 minutes, which felt like an eternity and my hands were hurting. OMG! arrrggggghhhh. pull this fatty up! AHHHH!!!!! Ironjaw!!!!! "Holy crap! I got him, I got him!" Vdara cheers while I was in shock and when it hit me I cheered myself.

"Thank you so much for helping me with this", "No problem!, I'm glad I got to see you catch him. I was starting to wonder if he was even real. I can't believe you caught him!"
She had to go, we said our byes, and I ported back to Orgrimmar. I took out Ironjaw to look at him in the light and several people came over and asked a bunch of questions and congratulated me on my find. It was awesome!