Sunday, January 13, 2013

L90etc groupies (pt 1)


This weekend was Amazing!
I had so much fun with 4 of my best friends (Medelys, Christene, Hellgurl, Spammusubi) Because we are always busy with our own lives, we hardly get to hang out. So one day last month we promised each other that we would go to Darkmoon Faire when they come back into town, which is the first full week at the beginning of the month. The girls wanted me to plan it all because in their words, I was the Oldest!. Gee thanks! I knew they were just kidding, but they're not wrong... sadly.

The rest of the faire was awesome, don't get me wrong, but what made this week Epic was the last day of the Faire. Level90EliteTaurenChieftain Concert during the Fireworks closing ceremony was crazy fun. Everyone is waiting around for the band to come on and watching the fireworks. We were all sitting on the bleachers when the ground starts to shake, "holy crap! it's a trap were all gonna die!". "Spam! calm down before I crack you on the head with my mace, It's all part of their show". says Medelys. "Ohhhhh"
They started freaking out like screaming little girls. It was hilarious, partially because they looked ridiculous, and the other part because that's how I felt inside, but was too embarrassed to show it, I'm old after all, whatever. I watched the show while sitting down completely mesmerized by the one and only Sig Nicious. *swoon* He is so handsome, I felt color flush back into my cheeks.

Little did I know the girls were huddled in a circle whispering and plotting something that would forever change the way I thought of my social ineptitude. Medelys walks up to me and says "Skully! we have a dare for you... We dare you to go around back and ask to get backstage."... "Are you serious?, they wont let me in" I snapped back. "Ok, If well they refuse to let you back there then climb on stage and dance next to Sig,,, Unless you're too chicken... or Old, you pick"... "You guys are jerks you know that... Fine!" I can't believe I just agreed to it. I think I was still in shock or something while I walked back behind the stage.

Standing at the end of the ramp is the Band's Manager Michael Schweitzer. Of course he declined my request, which I knew he would. Now I have to get on that stage somehow. I went around to the front and started dancing in front of where Sig was playing. Trying to get his attention, I even found myself jumping up and down like an idiot just so he would look my way.

The next thing that happened almost made me faint right where I stood. Sig stuck out his hand and pulled me onstage. OMG! OMG! OMG! is all I could think of... I danced by him for what felt like slow motion eternity, until the bouncer jerks took me off stage. I didn't go kicking and screaming like I always pictured myself doing while getting drug offstage against my will, and getting ripped away from my celebrity crush. Whatever! I begged them to let me go back on and pointed out that it was Sig who brought me onstage, I didn't jump on myself. Argh!!!  FINE!

So I went back in front and watched the show with my girls and we rocked out like no ones business. I looked over to Christene and she had one of her devious looks on her face like she had a brainstorm that was ready to explode, all while her gaze was focused on Mai'kyl the Bassist. When she wants something, she will get it. And that was the look of a Frost Mage that wants something and in the end, will end up getting it. (to be continued...)