"I am NOT a Stupid Fire Bird! I am the great Millagazor and you are going to pay for tainting my eggs!"
What Are you squawking about? I know nothing about eggs, although I am getting hungry.
"You, Twilight Hammer minion, dare to make fun of the demise of my brood, enjoy the next minutes of your life."
Whoa! hold up Milly! You got me confused with the douchebags 'round here! but if you wanna kill me I wont feel bad for killing you first!
I turned back into myself and Jhaaghon was there to help me. When we weakened her a good amount she started to fly away. She flew too far for my ranged spells to reach, and just when I thought she had gotten away, my birds that I recruited came out and attached her and she fell from the sky. I tried to run out of the way but my legs weren't working and she went splat on my head and I got shocked out of my sleep. I looked around and some Nordrassil guards were smiling. "Milligazor getcha?" one guard asked. Yeah How did you know?... "happens all the time"