As I was walking to the Valley of Wisdom I saw a little Orc boy standing on the side by the water looking really sad. Of course I walked up to him and asked if he was alright.
"Sure little guy, I'll help you." I mounted up on Windy and off we went. Five balloons are lost in Orgrimmar. They must either be tied to something or under something because if they're balloons that don't lose their "floatiness" as the boy put it, then they would obviously fly away. This will be challenging but I am up for it.

I flew over to the Auction House and there was one just chillin on the outside. Not tied to anything, just floating in place. I grabbed that one and quickly took off to find the rest. I found the rest in the Valley of Wisdom. Easy peasy!

I ran back to Jaga, and gave him all the balloons. He was so excited and he gave me a balloon with the Horde symbol on it. Sweet! Thanks little guy!

He started to tie the bunch of balloons to his waist and started to float away. I grabbed onto him afraid this was not what he planned to happen, but he told me to let him go. He was going to fly to his father. So I let him go and up he went. I watched as he kept getting higher and higher. So many questions ran through my head. How is he going to get down? How does he steer? Does he know where his father is? What if he floats too high and looses breathable air? What if he Floats to high and gets burned by the sun? I just left it and hopped he knew what he was doing. Bye Jaga!