Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Friend Medelys

Everyone around Undercity was talking about this new place called Silvermoon City. So naturally I wanted to go check this place out. I needed to find out how to get there first. I ran to the Bat Handler Michael Garrett and asked to fly me to Silvermoon City. Apparently I couldn't fly there because I haven't talked to the flight master there yet. For pete's sake!!! That is a far far ways to go, and there's no way I'm gonna survive that travel. The zones that I have to pass is too high for me and creatures will eat me alive. "calm down little lady, there is a portal in the Ruins above Undercity that will take you directly to Silvermoon City". "Oh Thank you so much Mr. Garrett!" and off I went to find the portal.
Silvermoon City was absolutely gorgeous. The Blood Elves are all so exotic looking with their long pointy ears and stunning eyes. I'd like to think I was a blood elf in my previous life. So I mounted my dreadsteed and away we galloped through the city. The city was pretty empty so I figured there would be noone around, but of course I was wrong.  As I turned a corner I almost smacked head on into a young blood elf on her horse. I've been riding my dreadsteed for a while now so I know anything can happen so I always hold on for dear life when he's running. Well this blood elf didn't take the proper precautions and as her Charger came to a halt she went flying right into a nearby bush. "Are you CRAZY!!!" is all I could hear from the bush, and out pops a little girl with branches in her white pig tails. "You could have killed me!" I tried to apologize, but I couldn't get a word in edgewise. Knowing fully well that she was half to blame. If you don't know how to ride your mount, especially with your crusader aura on, then you shouldn't be riding at all. I really wanted to tell her that but it being her city and all, I bit my tongue. I think her ego was bruised a tad bit. I just learned how to make runecloth bandages so I offered to bandage her up. After that she was quite humble and offered to show me around her town.
"My name is Medelys" the young blood elf says to me. "Hi, Medelys. I'm Deadskully nice to meet you". In order to fly here I needed to find the flight master so Medelys showed me where she was. Skymistress Gloaming was her name. What kind of name is that, I thought. Eh, whatever I've seen weirder names. She had 2 amazing dragonhawks in the back of her ready to fly out if someone needed a ride anywhere. Unfortunately again, I was missing several flight paths in between here and Undercity so I couldn't jump on a dragonhawk and enjoy the scenery on a flight back to Undercity. Medelys offered to ride down to Tranquillian with me and speak to that flight master maybe that would give me connecting flight paths, so off we went. There were some towns people that asked for my help with some quests earlier and I turned them down. Medelys needed to help some people also so I went back to the people and accepted their quests and off we went down to Tranquillian and cranked out a bunch of quests while we made our way down there. It took us a good 2 hours or so to finish everything and reach the little town and speak to the flight master. WHAT! I still can't have a connecting flight path to Undercity!... oh cripes! ah well, as long as I know the portal is there in the Silvermoon I'll be fine. And I was having fun with Medelys so I figured to stay in Eversong forest for a little longer and help the towns people. And this little girl was growing on me. I felt like a big sister to her, and I could tell she was looking up to me for a lot of things.