As far back as I can remember:
I don't remember how I died or how I came back to live my new life in Azeroth.
I awoke in Shadow Grave, and several people were right there asking me to help them. I didn't have time to adjust to what had just happened to me. I just said "yes" to every single one of them. As I helped them with these tasks I noticed I was getting better clothes to wear, as rewards, that would help me with my journey. The more I helped the better clothes I got. This was awesome! My quests led me to a nearby town called Brill and then onto a huge area called Undercity. I was told I had to seek out Lady Sylvanas Windrunner. Dispite her "Banshee Queen" title she was rather quiet and soft spoken. She explained to me a little bit of my mission in my afterlife and why I was brought back to life. I spent the next 3 hours or so walking around Undercity with her. While she talked I couldn't help but phase off trying to figure out how I was supposed to accomplish these tasks she was putting before me. So the Lich King sounds like a major douchebag and as much I'd like to kick his butt, I really don't think I can ever do it. She sensed my worry and understood my hesitation to accept this giant task. So she pointed me in the right direction to take my time and gradually work up to it. So I have a long ways to go as I travel around this new world and learn as much as I can from different trainers in different areas that will help me. She let me know that there are thousands of Horde forces working toward the same goal. So I don't feel too overwhelmed, and I can take my time.

So off I went to the first person I was told to see. Some dude named Richard Kerwin, a warlock trainer. I was a bit skeptical, but I figured ahh, what the heck, I could use a good laugh. I mean come on, I'm a warlock, what can this dude teach me that I don't already know. Boy was I wrong. He taught me how to cast and channel spells, learn pets that will help me in battle. Drop summoning stones, and teleports that will send me short distances. I love that I will have pets. I'm never going to be lonely in my travels that's for sure. Now I'll feeling the pressure to not let my trainer down. But I am way excited about everything I will be learning throughout my new life.

My first pet was an Imp named Abatai. He was kind of annoying at first, making comments about how much he's not getting paid to help me and he'd rather be playing with his friends instead of keeping a noob like me out of trouble. I thought having a pet would be fun. Not Abatai, and trading him in to the warlock trainer for another was not an option. I either dismiss him till I'm ready to use him or keep him out an listen to his nagging voice all day long. As I progress in my training I will be able to summon another demon. I can't wait till then. I want to drown this little punk in the bright green river that flows through this city. Well I guess I gotta look on the bright side, at least I have some comic relief even though it is at my expense.