Monday, December 12, 2011

Ghost Deadskully

 After talking to Hurtsdonut the other day about him lying about me being dead, I had a really hard time trying to believe it wasn't true. I'm only thinking that way because I seen a ghost version of myself earlier. I was up in Winterspring and I felt a cold breeze, well colder then it already was, and a slight tug on my cloak. I turned around and saw myself!.
I had to rub my eyes several times but sure enough it was there. Jhaaghon, my Felhunter, even seen her. he walked up to her and sniffed her several times before coming back to my side.
WAIT, I was in Winterspring digging up some Night Elf Artifacts and I solved and artifact and I got a mirror. Highborne Soul Mirror. That's right, now I remember. This is my mirror image that I'm seeing. Still freaks me out.