So I saw one of the cutest things I've ever seen the other day. As I was walking out of the bank in the Valley of Honor, I was not watching where I was going and I tripped over what I thought was a pretty big sized rock.

A Blood Elf on a hawkstrider was near the rock. Nafrini was her name. When she turned around and saw me on the ground she quickly apologized and asked me if I was alright. Yes hun I am, I replied, but it's not your fault I cant see a big rock in front of my face. "oh no but it is my fault and it's not a rock, it's a baby armadillo"
OMG, I've heard of these things. She said that if we waited a bit he would pop out of his ball form and walk around. We waited for about 5 minutes and nothing. As much as I wanted to see this I really had to go. I thanked her for taking the time to try and show me her adorable pet, and off I went. Come to think of it, that was a good thing she knew that I tripped over him, because I was about to pick it up and toss it in the pond so no one else trips. That would have been terrible.