Wednesday, February 16, 2011

30 Dragonmaw Plaza

One morning I decided to go down to fish up some Algae Rockfin fish and the only place I knew to get those is Twilight Highlands. So I took the portal to Dragonmaw Port and mounted up. Before I took off I decided I was going to visit Lizzy "Lemons" in the Inn. The first time I met her was the first time I came to this place.  I always try to stop in whenever I'm down this way.
She's a very nice girl, a real character. She loved her ham, but she gave me some the last time I was here, maybe she'll give me some today. Never asked her for the recipe tho, but I should cuz it's real good. So I made my way to the Inn. Kenath was at the front of the stairs like always to greet me. He's a little weird, I try not to spend a lot of time talking to him, because when he gets into a story he goes on and on, and goes completely off the topic most times too.
But he's harmless and funny for the most part. Next person I saw was Innkeeper Lutz. I don't really know that much about him, just that the last time I spoke to him was to ask him if I could get my Hearth set to this Inn and he thought I was trying to ask him out on a date or something. He always gives me the biggest grin when I walk by him, creeps me out.
Lizzy! I think it's been about 2 weeks since I seen her last. I asked her for some ham and she brought out a huge plate of it. Her boss Danagi is somewhere around here and she wanted to introduce me cuz she said he was the best boss in the world.  She hasn't seen him in about an hour so she thinks maybe he had a meeting of some sort.  We ate the ham and I needed a drink. Cerie was behind the bar, and got some Goats milk for me. Cerie is a sweet girl, kind of ditzy, but sweet. I needed to get some food and other drinks to take back with me, so Lizzy told me about this dude named Frenk that was by the building with the portal. I also needed some blacksmithing supplies for a friend so she told me I needed to go and see Jodan about that around the corner. I'll be back before I leave here to say goodbye. Found Jodan and bought some supplies from him. My friend
had asked me to get some tips on how to blacksmith something so I asked Jodan. He had no idea, he only sells the materials, he doesn't make anything. He then told me to ask Grizz and Dakam in he building to the right. I walked in the building and they were on either side of the giant anvil hammering away. I asked Dakam the question and he had an answer so I wrote it down, thanked them and off I went. Went back to see Lizzy and tell her bye till the next time I'm in this area. Took the port back to Org and right when I came out in Org I remembered the whole reason I went there in the first place... My Algae Rockfin fish!!!... /facepalm

So that was my story about my time in Dragonmaw/ 30 Rock it was fun and their names just cracked me up inside... I wonder why.